회전근개파열, 오십견, 어깨 탈구 및 불안정성 관절경(어깨, 무릎, 손목), 인공관절수술, 견주관절, 손목관절, 고관절, 슬관절, 족부 질환 골다공증, 골절 및 스포츠 손상
Evaluationof the Acromioclavicular Joint Morphology, CISE, 2018
Returnto sport after the Latarjet,KSSTA,2017
Fateof coracoid grafts after the Latarjet, KSSTA, 2017
Interstitialtears of the rotator cuff - difficulty in preoperative diagnosis, JSES,2017
OAafter Latarjet, JOS,2017
Totalelbow arthroplasty under unfavourable soft tissue conditions, Int Ortho, 2017
Bursal-SidedRotator Cuff Tears, AJSM, 2017
Long-termresults of cruciate-retaining total knee replacement in patients withrheumatoid arthritis,2015
GossypibomaMimicking a Soft Tissue Tumor, JKOA,2012
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오 전 | 순환 | 수술 | 진료 | 진료 | 수술 | 순환 |
오 후 | 순환 | 진료 | 수술 | 수술 | 진료 |
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