심장혈관중재시술, 허혈성 심질환(협심증,심근경색) 말초혈관질환, 고혈압, 고지혈증, 심부전 부정맥, 폐동맥고혈압
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심장아 나대지마오... 그때 필요한 '관상동맥CT'
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[동영상]케이웨더 날씨와 건강-고지혈증의 관리와 예방
심근경색 치료 후기 바로가기
Non-invasivecoronary physiology based on computational analysis of intracoronarytransluminal attenuation gradient. Scientific reports, 2018
Comparisonof long-term clinical outcomes between revascularization versus medicaltreatment in patients with silent myocardial ischemia. Int J Cardiol. 2018
PhysiologicEvaluation of Microvascular Damage in Culprit Vessel After Successful PrimaryPercutaneous Coronary Intervention for ST-elevation Myocardial InfarctionPatients. J Lipid Atheroscler. 2017
RecurrentChylothorax Caused by a Retained Guidewire in a Central Vein: A Case Report.Ann Geriatr Med Res. 2017
Effectof proton pump inhibitor and clopidogrel combination on the outcome of patientswith ischemic heart disease. Korean J Med 2011
Colonoscopicclipping as a treatment for appendiceal bleeding. Gut Liver 2010
RecurrentGastric Cancer at the Duodenal Stump after Billroth II Subtotal Gastrectomy.Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2010
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